Are paraffin heaters dangerous? If you’re bringing something unknown into your home, you’re going to want to know if it’s safe or not. ‘Are paraffin heaters dangerous?’, is more than a fair question to ask. Quite simply, Paraffin Heaters are safe to be used indoors, providing that the correct fuel is used. There are some […]
Author Archives: Sean
Can I get a Garden Shed with no gate access? Are you trying to buy a steel shed for your garden but you’re getting denied because you’ve no side-gate or back garden access? If you live in a terraced house, you might be struggling to find a steel shed for you garden. You don’t have […]
Useless Shed Facts We’ve given you enough helpful information. We’ve picked up enough nonsense facts while we were doing our research to fill an entirely episode of QI. So rather than let it go to waste, we’re sharing this beyond useless facts with you, you beautiful bowsey, you. I mean, if you’re looking at buying […]
Painting a Steel Shed Painting a steel shed is something we get asked lot about here at Sheds Direct Ireland. The majority of people ask about it for aesthetic reasons. That is, they want a specific colour on their shed that we don’t offer (in one instance, pink) or they want to customise it in […]
Glossary of Shed Terms If you can’t tell your Apex from your Eves, we’ve got you covered. This handy guide will demystify all the technical terminology for those unfamiliar with them. Most of these terms are universal, however some are Sheds Direct Ireland specific, so if you’re browsing our sheds and are a bit befuddled, […]
Steel sheds Vs Plastic Sheds If you’ve looked at any shed company based in Ireland, you might have noticed that very few of us sell plastic sheds. It’s not an oversight. Plastic sheds just aren’t popular with Shed Sellers. Why? Put simply, they’re a hassle for everyone involved. Sure, they’ve got a nice price-tag and […]
Steel Shed Assembly Updated August 29th 2024 So, you’ve picked your shed and having read our guide on self-assembly and you’ve decided that you want the Sheds Direct Ireland team to assemble it for you. That’s everything done, right? Shed goes up, everyone’s happy and we all live happily ever after, yeah? Well, sort of. […]
Should I put a Steel Roof on a Wooden Shed? Are you weighing up the pros and cons on whether to get a steel roof on your wooden shed? You’re not alone. Steel roofs can be an expensive addition to a wooden shed, but some will claim that it’s money well spent in the long-run. […]
Laying a slab base for a Steel Shed (Or: An eejit attempts to lay a base) Laying a slab base for a Steel Shed is something that allegedly, anyone can do. To prove that point, we asked our bespectacled computer-desk dweller Sean to lay a base for his new steel shed. Sean isn’t (and how […]
In the middle of April 2021, we received a call from the team at Coolronan Dog Rescue. They were looking to price up a sheds to store dog food, but they were just in need of a bit of help regarding laying the solid, level base for it. Louise spoke to them at length and […]