Painting a Steel Shed Painting a steel shed is something we get asked lot about here at Sheds Direct Ireland. The majority of people ask about it for aesthetic reasons. That is, they want a specific colour on their shed that we don’t offer (in one instance, pink) or they want to customise it in […]
Monthly Archives: August 2021
Glossary of Shed Terms If you can’t tell your Apex from your Eves, we’ve got you covered. This handy guide will demystify all the technical terminology for those unfamiliar with them. Most of these terms are universal, however some are Sheds Direct Ireland specific, so if you’re browsing our sheds and are a bit befuddled, […]
Condensation in Steel Sheds Condensation in a steel shed can be a major source of annoyance. It can damage your stored goods and in particularly bad instances, it can invite the growth of moulds or fungus. So how do you prevent your shed from getting affected by condensation? Here’s our guide to reducing condensation. We […]
Steel sheds Vs Plastic Sheds If you’ve looked at any shed company based in Ireland, you might have noticed that very few of us sell plastic sheds. It’s not an oversight. Plastic sheds just aren’t popular with Shed Sellers. Why? Put simply, they’re a hassle for everyone involved. Sure, they’ve got a nice price-tag and […]