How to keep your Garden Shed organised
How to keep your Garden Shed organised
Buying a brand new shed for your garden is the perfect way to keep your house clutter free and garden nice and tidy. They are a great way of keeping equipment out of sight but also safe and sound until they are needed. However, many shed owners are guilty of being careless and leaving their shed a dumping ground which quickly turns into a hazardly mess! If you fit into this category, you may want to keep on reading as we’re going to give you a few organising tips that would even have Mrs Hinch blushing.
Clear the floor space:
It goes without saying that this must be the first step of the process. Without a clear walk space, you won’t be able to move freely throughout the shed to organise everything. Whether it’s a bike, paint cans, storage boxes, or whatever, get it out of the shed for the time being so you have room to breath! Make sure to tell your other half not to panic, you’ll have plenty of space for everything once things are more organised.
As this is the start of the ‘clear out’, you’re probably allergic doing this but TRUST US, you’ll feel a whole lot better when you’ve a clear floor in front of you and you’re not doing your best Brian O’Driscoll impression to get around the place. Now stick on your favourite playlist and get it done.
Get the brush out:
Before you start re-arranging your garden shed, you’re going to want to give the place a good sweep. If my imagination is correct, the dust and dirt is probably thick enough to walk out of the shed itself. You’re better off getting this out of the way now, while the place is clear rather than trying to do it when everything is put back inside neatly. This should not take too long, it’s just to ensure that all the areas of your shed is ready to store any items you may have. When this is complete, your shed is ready to be organised.
Shelves, Shelves, Shelves
Shelves play a vital part in any organised shed. Without these, your sheds is just going to have items all over the floor rather than in a designated area. Think about it this way, imagine the state of your kitchen if you had no cupboards. There would be food everywhere, no organisation, no order. Your garden shed should be no different. Picking up some shelves allows you to make the most of the vertical space in your shed and stops you from just dumping things on the floor when you’re not using them.
Lucky for you, Sheds Direct Ireland has a great range of Heavy Duty Shelves that you can choose from to fit the size of your particular shed.
Bring in a table or work bench:
I know what you’re probably thinking, jaysus we’re supposed be de-cluttering the shed, not adding more things in. You’ve definitely got a point but this tip is more for the larger sheds. If you think a table will make things a wee bit tight in your shed, that’s no problem, drive onto the next tip. However, if you have a slightly larger shed, then a table or a work bench can be an absolute game changer! It’s not only great for storing things below and on top of it, it gives you a designated area to do some work or DIY. If getting your hands dirty is a hobby of yours, then a work bench may be essential for your shed.
Once again, we’ve got whopper work benches in stock here at Sheds Direct Ireland that are fancier than the top hat made out of caviar.
Tool hooks are the inexpensive way to keeping the floor clear:
If your shed is full of gardening equipment such as rakes, brushes, shovels, etc, then adding a few tool hooks to your hut is a no brainer. Having a place to hang your tools without taking up any floor space in your shed will free up so much more room and satisfy your organisational needs as everything will have a designated place. Say goodbye, to searching through the mess on the floor to find your pruning shears as it will be displayed on the wall ready for action when needed.
These hooks are not just ideal of gardening equipment, you can also use them for fishing gear, jackets, musical instruments, etc. Make Henry Sheflin proud and hook, hook, hook! You’ll be gobsmacked with how much space it will free up.
Get a few containers or boxes for small bits and bobs:
It’s all well and good organising all the bulky stuff in your shed but what is your plan for the little things. Unfortunately these are the items that go missing when you really need them so it’s important to be really organised to make sure this doesn’t happen. Whether it’s nuts, bolts, screws, pet food, seeds, all these things need a particular spot in your shed. What’s the solution to this? It’s simple, go to your local pound shop, and pick yourself up a lash of containers. These small little plastic boxes will be the unsung hero of your garden shed. Give every little group of nik naks their own box and slap a label on it to be extra fancy (you’ve come this far, you may as well go the full hog!)
Your containers will look great displayed on your new shelves and ready for action.
And there you have it. You now have plenty of tips to turn your dumping ground into a well organised shed. The most important thing is when you want something, you’ll be able to find it without any hassle or stress and with these tips, you should have no problem in doing that. If you’re reading this without a shed, but have lots of build up in your house that you’d like to de-clutter, you can browse all our steel sheds here.
If you have any questions, you can contact us on Facebook, over on Instagram or you can Tweet at us and our team will get back to you as soon as possible with an answer to your shed question. Alternatively, you can call us during business hours at (01) 864 4247 and the sales team can talk with you.